
Apex wanted to improve visibility of their hydraulic oil filtration offering, principally through organic traffic. Alongside the objective for increased traffic, was the target to improve the conversion rate of the service offering.

In order to achieve both objectives, increased organic traffic & a stronger conversion rate, the strategy was to develop a content & distribution plan that would simultaneously address both objectives. The plan addressed the identified weaknesses of the existing on-page SEO, site architectural factors and the backlink profile.

Video, a gallery, on-page copy & CTAs were created to improve the content offering of the target page. Utilising different media types, repositioning the landing page within the site architecture, ensuring the on-page SEO factors were satisfied cause a significant visibility bump for the page.

Rarely, especially within competitive environments, will on-page & architectural factors be enough to achieve top organic visibility (especially when a page is slightly outside of the main themes of the site & depending on the domain authority). In order to achieve complete visibility, online PR is necessary. To that end I identified the relevant targets and worked with a copywriter to develop and publish content in a highly relevant industry magazine.


SEO, Content & Online PR


Apex Hydraulics

What I Did

On-page SEO, Content Strategy, Video, Copy, Photography & Online PR

Increased organic visibility  

through On-Page optimisation & PR

The objective was to increase organic visibility on the Oil Filtration product & service offering. The site & target landing page was optimised – video & gallery was created to showcase the offering and the site architecture & internal linking optimised. Awareness & link building was developed through a social & PR strategy.

The Results

Across the relevant search terms for the target landing page, organic visibility grew from 35% to 95%. For the primary head terms, for both Google & Bing, the landing page achieved top positions. Organic traffic has grown over 700%.